Reliable and efficient pumps for produced water for offshore facilities
Produced Water
Water is an essential component of offshore production. Whether it’s desalination or reverse osmosis for providing fresh water to the facility itself, handling seawater for compressor coolers, gas coolers or HVAC applications, or simply providing water at a moment’s notice to fight a platform fire, Sundyne can provide a fluid handling solution tailored to the task.

Sundyne Direct Drive Pumps
The Sundyne API 610, direct drive family of pumps are vertical inline, single stage, overhung pumps that are either a close coupled design (OH5) or features a separate bearing bracket (OH3) with a flexible shaft coupling to accommodate multiple motor options. Space saving vertical designs and exceptional reliability make Sundyne direct drive pumps perfect for offshore applications.

Sunflo Industrial Grade Pumps
Industrial grade Sunflo pumps are specifically designed for High Pressure water applications.

Marelli Vertical Sump Pumps
Highly reliable with a long life, Marelli multi-stage pumps are capable of reaching massive flow rates and pressures. They are ruggedly designed to run continuously for years with rugged rotor designs and low vibration balanced rotor designs.